The Blue Smoke Spirit Experience
This is it. We're launching our monthly Blue Smoke Spirit subscription! After months of hard work, the Blue Smoke Spirit team has carefully selected 3 monthly cigar nuggets.
We've thought of all the Blue Smokers out there, and now we're offering three different subscription periods We're offering three different types of subscription: a 3-month subscription for the Blue Smoker with a thirst for discovery, a 6-month subscription for the regular cigar enthusiast and a year-long subscription for the dedicated cigar aficionado. The aim is to offer three cigars that we've tried and loved, and that we'd like to share with you!
Happy Smoke!

Subscription benefits
Different subscription periods are available for occasional, regular or regular Blue Smokers.
They give access to private Blue Smoke Spirit events.
For subscriptions of 6 months or more, a superb humidor Blue Smoke Spirit will be included with your order (value 19.-). You'll be able to keep track of the cigars in your selections and find out all the latest information on cigars every month with just one click.